Enlightened Blog
Wisdom to Help You Transform
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When browsing my various posts, you will find a variety of subjects ranging from Dowsing, Environmental Healing, and Spirits to Transformation and Enlightenment. My desire is that you find something that informs, inspires, and uplifts you. Enjoy!
Healing the Trauma of the Land
When you find you’re living in a home with unresolved trauma, it takes a lot of effort to stay above the lower vibrational field of the home and land. Over time, this can wear a homeowner out, which leads to depletion. This is comparable to attempting to hold two ten-pound weights at arm’s length 24/7. After a while, it becomes impossible to sustain. Exhaustion, issues with sleeping, a lowered immune system, and emotional issues begin to surface.
Ways to Energetically Prepare Your Home for the Holidays
Clearing the energy of your home can create a warm, inviting, and harmonious atmosphere for the holidays. Here are some effective ways to refresh and uplift the energy that will support you, your family, and everyone who visits.
Strengthening Our Spiritual Muscle
The year was 1987 and I was a catering director at a Holiday Inn in Milwaukee. This particular Holiday Inn had a Holidome and many times, after an evening event was over, I would stand at the railing overlooking the Holidome to absorb the peaceful, calm energy. This particular Holidome was filled with tall trees illuminated by soft lighting . . .
Remembering My Fairy Friends
When I began this journey in 2005, I was unaware of where this new experience would take me. It began innocently enough; I
Not long after this, dowsing became an integral part of my life and I couldn’t remember when it wasn’t. As I continued to dowse, I didn’t realize it was creating a foundation from which I could access other information and dimensions. It helped me remember the gifts I had brought with me from past lives, along with remembering my connection to other beings. And it especially helped me remember my connection to fairies.
Meeting Mary Magdalene
Last month, I traveled to France for a Mary Magdalene Retreat led by Marie Diamond. It was a trip I have been waiting the past 12 years to take. All I can say is, that it was worth the wait! As I was flying into Marseille, it felt like I was coming home. Each place we visited felt like another piece of me was connected.
Attachments vs. Connections
Imagine waking up each morning with 100% of your vitality and energy. Vibrant light is pouring in through the top of your head and feeding your seven chakras and the cells of your body. This is the light of your higher self, your soul, and when you stay connected with this light, you feel vibrant and energized.
Becoming Authentic
One of the patterns I developed while growing up was to accommodate the people around me. Without consciously realizing it, I would change my behavior and who I was to please others in order to fit in and to be accepted.
Playing with Color
Attending my first Inner Diamond class in 2001, I began learning about something called the 24 Quantum Colors of the Universe. I learned that each color had a quality or Universal Principal and when you connect with it and embody it, it creates a stronger connection with both the color and the quality.
Looking for Transformation
It was 2001 and I had been doing a type of meditation for eight years and realized at a certain point, that my life had not changed significantly in those eight years … not the way I had hoped, anyway. I began searching for a meditation that could transform the emotional patterns that I felt were controlling my life. And I wanted a meditation that could quiet my mind for more than 20 minutes a day.
Your Presence is a Gift
Fifteen years ago, when having a heart-to-heart conversation with my oldest daughter, she confided in me something from her childhood. She told me that she felt like I wasn’t very present for her growing up. And as much as it saddened me, I had to agree with her.
Children at Play
Do you watch your grandchildren at play or engage in play with them? What do they love to play? Kids are engaged in a lot of different activities, but is there one that stands out?
My grandchildren are now in their teens and twenties and as I look back on each of their lives, I can now see what they played at a young age was a clue to what they are currently doing in their lives.
Imaginary Friends
Do you remember having an imaginary friend growing up? Many children do and they usually talk about this friend until the age of 6 or 7.
Many children, before the age of 7, are very connected with the non-visible world and just because we cannot see, hear or feel what they are experiencing, doesn’t mean it isn’t real for them.