HealingSoul Sessions Transform Your Life

Receive support and guidance in living your soul purpose.

Woman standing in field with son shining on her.

Create Clarity and Raise Your Vibration!

Release energy blocks and experience personal transformation with Soul sessions.

Soul Sessions are designed to connect you more fully with your inner light, find your soul’s purpose, and help you release obstructions to your natural flow of energy.

Physical, emotional, or mental patterns, as well as karmic experiences, can create blockages that can be removed through Soul Sessions.

A Soul Session Will Help You . . .

  • Let Go I have the ability to tune in and read people’s energy and can help you release any limitations that are holding you back from living your soul's purpose.

  • Transform I will help you create a strong energetic foundation and provide you with tools to achieve greater success, healthier relationships, and better health.

  • Release physical, emotional, or mental patterns karmic experiences, can create blockages that I will help you remove a Soul Session.

  • Reconnect with your own inner light creating more calm and clarity in your life

Annette Rugolo leaning agains gazebo.

You will work with a trustworthy, compassionate, and empathetic soul coach with many years of experience. Plus you will receive meditations and resources to support you after the session.

Woman on a sunset beach walk

Soul Sessions

These one-on-one healing sessions are customized to best support and heal your soul. Once a session is scheduled, I encourage those who work with me to pay attention to dreams and/or emotions that surface before the session. Your soul is guiding the process and will bring to the surface anything that is ready to clear.

Clearing Family Lineage Session

There are 3 types of karma that you have come into this lifetime to clear … individual, family and soul group karma. During this session, you will be guided in clearing family karma and clearing patterns and programs that have been passed onto you from your family lineage.

You will see and clear inherited family patterns from either your mother’s lineage or your father’s lineage.

As you release your family karma, it releases the karma for future generations. You will not only be helping yourself in your evolution but will be helping both past and future generations in theirs.

Activation Session

I offer several different types of activation sessions that will help you release whatever is blocking you and help you thrive. Select the + to view details about each Activation Session option.

You will be able to select the Activation Session that best supports your current needs during the booking process.

Learn more about each Activation Type here.

  • Are you ready to bring your Success to the next level?

    This session will help you release whatever is blocking you from stepping more fully into your success and will provide clarity about the next steps that will take you closer to your success.

    During this session, I will help you create a strong platform that will help you launch your success in a bigger way. This platform is strengthened when we connect with the six Universal Principals of Success … Inner Power, Empowerment, Joy, Celebration, Abundance, and Magnificence.

    Having a solid platform to launch your Success is important.

    During an Activate Your Success appointment, you will learn which of these principles need to be strengthened in your life and you will receive ways to connect and align with them in a conscious way.

    You will also learn how to activate your home for Success. Based on your birthday, you have a Personal Success Direction that can be activated in your home or office. Activating your Success Direction will create a greater impact and will help you reach your goals of Success with greater ease.

  • Are you aligned with your Soul's Purpose?

    Your soul is incarnated with a purpose for this lifetime and it holds a multitude of spiritual gifts that will support you in living your purpose. If you are not in alignment with your soul, it is difficult to access your spiritual gifts and live a life aligned with your soul's purpose.

    During this session, along with clearing any energetic blocks disconnecting you from your Spiritual Wisdom, I will help you create a strong platform that will help you maintain a more conscious connection with your Inner Wisdom, Inner Sight, and Inner Knowing.

    This conscious connection is strengthened by the six Universal Principles of Wisdom … Wisdom, Compassion, Clarity, Focus, Transformation, and Faith.

    Having a strong connection to your higher self will help you live in alignment with your soul's purpose.

    During an Activate Your Wisdom appointment, you will learn which of these principles need to be strengthened in your life and you will receive ways to connect and align with them in a conscious way.

    You will also learn how to activate your Wisdom direction in your home. Based on your birthday, you have a Wisdom Direction that can be activated in your home or office. Activating your Wisdom Direction will support you in living your soul's purpose.

  • Do you need to heal relationships in your life?

    This session will help you release whatever is blocking you from having more harmonious relationships in your life. These blocks can be created by emotional patterns or programs within yourself or karma that is ready to be seen and released between you and another person.

    During this session, along with clearing any energetic blocks, I will help you create a strong platform that will help you attract more loving and harmonious relationships. This platform is strengthened when we connect with the six Universal Principles of Relationships … Unconditional Love, Tenderness, Peace, Collaboration, Balance, and Passion.

    Having a solid platform to help you attract healthy relationships in your life is important.

    During an Activate Your Relationship appointment, you will learn which of these principles need to be strengthened in your life and you will receive ways to connect and align with them in a conscious way.

    You will also learn how to activate your Relationship direction in your home. Based on your birthday, you have a Personal Relationship Direction that can be activated in your home or office. Activating your Relationship Direction will help you attract healthier relationships with greater ease.

  • Healing for the physical body sometimes begins with healing your emotions, and mental patterns and/or releasing energy brought into this lifetime from a past life.

    This session will help you release and transform whatever is blocking you from your ability to heal.

    During this session, along with clearing any energetic blocks, I will help you create a strong platform that will help you connect with the healing vibrations of the Universe, You will be activated with the Universal Principles of Healing, Honesty, Purity, Transparency, Forgiveness, and Release.

    These activations will provide you with a solid platform to help you heal what is ready to be healed in your life.

    During an Activate Your Healing appointment, you will learn which of these principles need to be strengthened in your life and you will receive ways to connect and align with them in a conscious way.

    You will also learn how to activate Healing Frequencies in your home. Based on your birthday, you have a Personal Health Direction that can be activated in your home or office. Activating your Health Direction will both help reveal what is ready to be healed and give you access to the healing vibrations of the Universe.

  • Each year on our birthday, we have the opportunity to release anything from the past year that we don’t want to take with us on our next trip around the sun. It is also an opportunity to celebrate and anchor all of our achievements. During a guided meditation, you will open to the celebration that happens on your birthday and receive the gifts that will help you in the coming year.

Post Surgery Session

We have what is called a ‘second skin’ around our physical bodies and this second skin is referred to as the Etheric Body.  Everything that happens to our physical body, happens to our etheric body.  This includes all injuries, broken bones, trauma and any surgeries we may have. 

This session is designed to heal the etheric body after surgery and release any energy the etheric body has absorbed during surgery. 

Once the etheric body is healed, the healing on the physical body will happen even faster.

In the session, you will also receive ways to continue healing your etheric field after the session. 

Have a Question about Soul Sessions?

Kind Words

Step into your Soul Purpose.

Transform your life and create more peace and harmony for yourself and your family.

Woman lifts arms in the air while looking at the field and mountains.

Unsure Where to Start?

I’d love to connect with you and learn more about what brought you my way.