Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls
My purpose and passion in life has been to take others from a place of fear to one of understanding and compassion for the souls trapped among us. In my book Soul Whisperer, I guide you to embrace both yourself and others as a soul who exists beyond the physical construct of our reality.
I invite you into the world of earthbound and wandering spirits. Through my book, I will be your guide in this meaningful and magical journey!
My purpose and passion in life has been to take others from a place of fear to one of understanding and compassion for the souls trapped among us. In my book Soul Whisperer, I guide you to embrace both yourself and others as a soul who exists beyond the physical construct of our reality.
I invite you into the world of earthbound and wandering spirits. Through my book, I will be your guide in this meaningful and magical journey!
My purpose and passion in life has been to take others from a place of fear to one of understanding and compassion for the souls trapped among us. In my book Soul Whisperer, I guide you to embrace both yourself and others as a soul who exists beyond the physical construct of our reality.
I invite you into the world of earthbound and wandering spirits. Through my book, I will be your guide in this meaningful and magical journey!
We live in a multi-dimensional universe. The more you can open yourself to other worlds from a place of openness, the more you will learn that there is a multitude of beings that exist around us. Much of what I share in this book comes from my own experience with spirits, the people who have called on me for help, and the spirits themselves. You may have some awakened memories as you read this book. Pay attention to any sensations, dreams, or feelings that may surface. I encourage you to trust the awakening that happens. I invite you now into the world of earthbound and wandering spirits. I am excited and honored to be your guide.
Book Description
In her groundbreaking book, Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls, author Annette Rugolo presents a new perspective into the world of spirits, past lives, and soul retrieval. Through the sharing of her real-life experiences, she offers a glimpse into a world that exists around us, which few are open and willing to see. She presents an introduction to spirits of the deceased that remain in this world, how we encounter them, and how to help free them from being stuck here. Through her stories, Rugolo gives a clear sense of what these encounters are like, what we can learn from them, and how to recognize and deal with them if they happen. She also demonstrates the value of soul retrievals, freeing spirits, understanding karmic history, and other related subjects.
Book Excerpts
I had just purchased my own home in Fargo, North Dakota. The house was built in 1941 and was previously owned by just one couple the entire time. They were childless and had died 3 months apart from each other. Both were in their eighties when they died. When I first looked at the house before buying, it was very dark. Heavy curtains covered the windows, the décor hearkened back to the 1960’s and 25-watt light bulbs kept it dimly lit.
When getting to know my new neighbors, I was told that the husband was a successful businessman and very thrifty, not wasting any money on non-essentials such as extra lighting. His wife had never worked and spent most of her time in the house. She had been an alcoholic for many years.
The house was well constructed and aside from some cosmetic changes, had turned out to be a great find. I was happy with my new purchase and began immediately updating it and making it my own. New light fixtures, a coat of paint and a hardwood floor totally changed the look and feel of the house. I loved it.
After living there for about eighteen months, I had the unexpected experience of meeting the former owner. It happened one night as I was drifting off to sleep.
Have you ever experienced the space between wake and sleep? It is something that feels so real and at the same time outside of what is considered reality. I was in this space the night I met her. I “saw” an elderly woman enter my bedroom. She started moving towards my husband but then saw that I was awake, changed her mind and began slowing coming to my side of the bed.
I was frozen in that moment, not being able to move or talk. She walked towards me with her right hand out in front of her and her index finger preparing to check me out.
I continued to stay frozen until she actually touched my arm, which triggered a blood-curdling scream, waking my husband and most likely the neighbors, too.
As I screamed, she disappeared into thin air and was gone. I never saw her again while I lived there but everyone who visited knew she hung out in the basement. Whenever my family came to visit, they felt very uncomfortable going down there, making only quick trips when absolutely necessary.
At the time, I did not have the information and the tools I now have that would have helped her. I also didn’t understand much about spirits and why they continue to stay around after they pass. I had a lot to learn.
Sometimes a spirit attaches to a person, not through emotional trauma, but instead with hopes of clearing karma before they leave this dimension.
I had a personal experience with this after my brother died in 1989.
My brother was only thirty-eight years old when he died. I was living in Fargo and traveled to Milwaukee for the funeral. A few days later I returned to work and as I was sitting at my desk, I felt my brother’s presence and assumed he came for a visit before his spirit moved on. I didn’t know at the time that the soul of someone could attach to someone else’s energy field after they passed.
Fast forward to 2005. I had been teaching meditation classes and had a deeper understanding of karma and how to release it. I was also doing a lot of work on myself and had become aware of some karmic energy with my dad.
There wasn’t anything in particular happening at the time, except for the fact that, up until this point, I felt like I never had a very good relationship with him. When I called to visit (my parents lived out of state) and dad would answer, we would talk for a minute or two and he would pass the phone onto my mother.
I know a lot of dads are like this, but I felt there was something else there that I couldn’t put my finger on.
During one of my exchanges with Marie Diamond, I was informed that my brother was still with me. I was told that his spirit stayed with me after he died as he felt I had the best chance of clearing the karma that we shared with our father.
I was shocked! Souls can connect with us after they die? My brother has been with me since 1989? How did he know I was going to be on this path?
I had so many questions!
But first, I needed to see and heal the relationship with my dad. It turned out that my brother, my sister and I incarnated together to clear a karmic lifetime with our dad. In a previous lifetime, he was a Roman soldier and my siblings and I were part of a religious community that was persecuted.
The lifetime made sense when I looked at our childhood in this life. That same feeling of being punished was something we all lived in fear of. It affected each one of us in different ways.
The process of releasing a karmic lifetime means forgiving the soul who persecuted us or killed us in a past lifetime. Sometimes we have to forgive someone else. And sometimes we have to forgive ourselves.
I was very ready to release the karma that had hung over our heads since childhood and as I consciously forgave my dad, the soul of my brother was released. He was now free of the karma, as well. Whenever a karmic lifetime is cleared, some kind of confirmation is received to verify that transformation of energy has occurred.
This happened in spades over the next few weeks.
The first thing that occurred was the phone call I made to my parent’s home a few days after the clearing. My dad answered as usual but he couldn’t pass the phone to my mom because she wasn’t home.
What happened next astounded me. Instead of my dad cutting the conversation short, we ended up on the phone for almost an hour! This was the longest conversation I had ever had with my dad in my entire life! It was a warm, sweet connection I had not felt before that day. I was 53 years old and experienced a feeling of closeness with my dad that I had longed for my entire life.
As we said goodbye, he told me he loved me. I hung up the phone and tears of joy f lowed. My relationship with my dad has continued to be filled with warmth. As I write this book, he is 87-years old and I am so happy to have had these years knowing him without any karmic energy interfering with our relationship.
The second thing that happened to confirm that the karma had cleared was a lucid dream I had about two weeks afterwards.
In the dream, my brother, sister and I were all on a stage singing “On Eagles Wings,” a song I had sung with a few others at my brother’s funeral. In the dream, a choir took over as we came to the chorus. At that moment, my brother and I turned to each other and gave each other a big hug. I woke up with the very real feeling of hugging my brother and again I cried out of pure joy.
The last confirmation I received came from my niece, my brother’s oldest daughter. My two nieces were twelve and thirteen when my brother died and he left a gaping hole in their lives.
Later that year, I was visiting my niece the summer and she told me about a dream she recently had.
In the dream, her dad, my brother, came to her and showed her that he was with her at all the important milestones in her life; prom, high school graduation, her marriage, and the birth of her children. She felt him so intensely in the dream and she, too, woke up crying out of pure joy.
His spirit had been released and he could now comfort his daughters in a way he could not do until that moment.
The healing that has happened in my family because of this work I have chosen to do is beyond anything I could have imagined. Whatever impulse or inner inspiration had led me on this path, I am forever grateful.
Book Reviews
“I feel more compassion for souls on the other side, after reading this book. Thank you, Annette, for your gentle way of guiding and inspiring me to begin to work in this realm of helping lost souls.”
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