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Inner Diamond Basic (Virtual)

The Inner Diamond refers to your own Inner Diamond. You have within you a beautiful, 24 faceted-diamond and this course will help you remember and reconnect with your own inner light and brilliance.

We live in a Golden Age of possibilities and the Inner Diamond is an Aquarian Age method that was created for this time. It provides the ‘maps and tools’ that will help you lift your vibration and heal separation in your life. You will align with your true essence so you can once again be the brilliant light that you came here to be.

Throughout this course, you will gain access to powerful tools that will help you stay above fear and anxiety and help you stay balanced and present in these challenging times. As you reconnect with your Inner Diamond, you will become a positive force in the world.

This 6 week course will:

  • Help you to consciously connect with your Inner Wisdom, Inner Sight and Inner Knowing

  • Provide tools to help you release emotional and mental patterns

  • Activate the 24 Facets of your Inner Diamond and help you align with your soul purpose

You will also learn:

  • How to cleanse and heal your etheric body and balance, quiet and calm your emotional and mental bodies. 

  • An understanding of your different energy fields and how to clear past traumas that may be stuck in these fields and affecting your health and well being

  • A meditation to help you stay above your emotions and mind chatter as you learn how to radiate light and stay out of judgment

  • A simple and effective transformation meditation that will clear your blocks and anything that is keeping you from living from your pure essence.

When: 6 weeks, February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm (5-6:30 PM Pacific, 6-7:30 PM Mountain, 8-9:30 PM Eastern)

Price: $198

The sessions will be recorded and will be sent to all who register.

January 25

Etheric Body Cleansing (Virtual)

February 12

Finding Your Inner Wise Woman An Empowering Menopause Class (Virtual)