Cosmic Portal Meditations (Virtual)
I recently read a book by Diana Cooper entitled ‘Birthing a New Civilization: Transitioning to the New Golden Age in 2032.’ In her book she describes 33 cosmic portals, located all over the world, that began to open in 2012.
Starting in January, 2025, I will be guiding people to connect with 12 of these Cosmic Portals to enhance the quality each portal has to offer not only for yourself, but for humanity.
Etheric Body Cleansing (Virtual)
Everyone has an etheric body and it is located about 4 inches outside of your physical body. It is like a second skin around us and it is crucial we understand the role it plays in keeping us healthy.
In this 4 hour session we will heal and cleanse our etheric bodies and I’ll provide ways you can continue to keep your etheric body cleansed in the future. Spending time healing and cleansing your etheric body will bring some wonderful benefits to you and your health!
Inner Diamond Basic (Virtual)
The Inner Diamond refers to your own Inner Diamond. You have within you a beautiful, 24 faceted-diamond and this course will help you remember and reconnect with your own inner light and brilliance.
Finding Your Inner Wise Woman An Empowering Menopause Class (Virtual)
Discover the gifts and wisdom of menopause in this transformative 6-week class. For this class I will be collaborating with Sarah Preston Hesler, a naturopathic physician,who takes a holistic approach to healthcare.
Together we will teach you practical and energetic tools to navigate this transition in life with grace and help you to embrace your inner wise woman.
2025 Diamond Dowsing Club Session 1 (Virtual)
Are you someone who has taken a Diamond Dowsing class and feel your practice has gone stagnant or are you actively engaged in dowsing and wish to continue to grow in your dowsing skills? If you are, join me for the Diamond Dowsing Club!
Diamond Dowsing Basic (In Person, Mesa, AZ)
This course is designed to help you detect and neutralize stress lines and amplify positive energy in your environment so you can transform your life—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
2025 Full Moon Meditations (Virtual)
Each month I will record a full moon meditation in the energy of the full moon where we will travel to Shamballa and lend our light to the ascended masters gathered at this time to uplift the vibration of the world. The meditations allow us to connect more fully with our soul purpose as we step into service for humanity.
Sacred Journey to Hawaii (Virtual)
During our Sacred Journey to Hawaii, we will be connecting with the High Beings of Hawaii who hold the imprint of these islands and a connection to Lemuria. During our visit to Hawaii, you will connect with the Dolphins who hold the 5th dimensional energy for our planet and will help you remember your connection with your soul group and the Oneness of the Universe.