Our Multi-Dimensional Universe

You may have heard someone refer to our experience on this planet as multi-dimensional or that we are ourselves multi-dimensional beings. 

We are, in fact, living in a multi-dimensional world and a multi-dimensional universe.  There is much to uncover around all of this but I’ll start by offering a simple analogy to describe the third, fourth and fifth dimensions.

The analogy I like to use is that of a seed in the ground. When the seed is just a seed, it exists under the surface of the earth and has no direct access to the sun. It exists in one dimension only and could be compared to the third dimension.  This seed, however, holds the full potential of what it will become.

As the seed begins to grow and breaks through the topsoil, it then has access to the light of the sun and begins its journey into the fourth dimension.  In this fourth dimensional experience, the seed becomes aware of who and what it is and the gifts contained inside of the seed start to become known. It continues to grow and expand until it reaches the fifth dimension where it blossoms and bears fruit. It is a fully realized seed and begins to share its gifts with the world.

A soul choosing to have a human experience comes here to remember itself as a soul. A soul who has not yet awakened, experiences life only in the third dimension. This means that the experiences they have are limited to the five physical senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell.  Anything that exists outside of the physical realm does not exist for them.

When a soul awakens, they have what is known as a heart opening experience; they reconnect and remember that they are a soul living in a human body. At this stage, they will now begin their journey experiencing the fourth dimension. Their five spiritual senses begin to awaken and they begin to see, feel, and hear what is beyond the physical realm.

When a soul continues to live more fully in the fourth dimension, with their hearts open and their spiritual senses awakened, they become conduits, or connectors, between the third and fifth dimensions.  

Living in the fifth dimension means that we are living as fully realized souls, fully aware of ourselves as a soul who is expressing their gifts and sharing their talents with the world. 

Annette Rugolo

Annette’s greatest passion is to help people align with their soul purpose. By employing a deep understanding of vibrational healing and universe-messaging, she can easily tune into a client’s energy through soul-to-soul connections. After identifying what is preventing a person from living his or her life’s purpose, she enables the release of physical, emotional, mental or karmic patterns.

Annette holds certificates in cranial sacral therapy, qigong, massage therapy and yoga. By training in many alternative healing methods, she became a Certified Master Instructor for inner diamond meditation and diamond dowsing with Marie Diamond Global. She started teaching transformational seminars in 1999 and began her Inner Diamond teaching career with Marie Diamond in 2002.

After years of preparation and study, she is in the unique position of being the only person, other than Marie Diamond, who is trained and qualified to activate all the dowsing products and essences. Both Annette and Marie continue to work in close partnership by collaborating on international summits and conferences. Annette has also assisted in developing and expanding the Diamond Methods to enlighten more than 500 million people worldwide.

Through her role as a Master Instructor, she has taught basic and master classes to more than 1000 students around the world, where she was mentoring and consulting with people in 20 countries. By holding classes, soul retrievals and environmental healings, Annette continues to help others raise the vibration of their personal energy fields and the energy of their homes.

As a Soul Whisperer and Nature Spirits Guide, her method of guiding souls, who are stuck in this world and looking to return home, is detailed in her book, “Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls.” Annette’s book received a favorable review by Kirkus Indie.

“In this latest work, the author tells of her various adventures in the realm of spirituality and the paranormal, involving such phenomena as ghosts, past lives, and clairvoyance. Overall, a soothing tone of gentleness runs through the entire work, as when she notes that “Helping our spirit brothers and sisters go home is the best choice when given the opportunity. Fans of spiritualist writing will be both intrigued and comforted.”

Buy Annette’s book, “Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls,” on Amazon.


Awakening Our Spiritual Senses


Illusions of Enlightenment