A Definition of Dowsing
A very simple definition of dowsing that I like to use: ‘a technique that helps us find something that we cannot see with our physical eyes.’
The dowsing tool used can be a pair of dowsing rods, a pendulum, and even branches of a tree.Dowsing is an ancient technique that has been used for thousands of years and the most recent use that many are familiar with is something called ‘water witching.’
When I first learned how to dowse, I was living in North Dakota. I had never heard of dowsing before I took a Diamond Dowsing class but I soon found that there were plenty of dowsers living around me.North Dakota is a state known for farming and I soon found out that many farmers hired dowsers, or what are known as water witchers, to find where to dig for new wells on their land.
Even if the families no longer hired dowsers to find where to dig a well, many of them remembered their fathers or grandfathers who either hired one or were a dowser themselves. I also met people on construction sites who dowsed for underground water pipes before digging.About six years ago, a woman registered for a dowsing class I was teaching and she was so excited about finally learning how to dowse. She was a natural and picked up the skill instantly.
After taking the class, she was home visiting her dad and sharing her excitement about her newfound skill. After showing him her dowsing rods, she was shocked when he pulled out his dowsing rods. It was then that he shared with her that he had been dowsing for years on construction sites. He was the person who dowsed for underground pipes or electrical wires and would tell the crew where not to dig.
Over the years, I have witnessed many times that people who are drawn to the dowsing class have a connection to someone in their family who was a dowser. These people seem to have a natural ability and pick up the dowsing with ease. They seem to have an innate ability to sense the energy of spaces and land.I have met people over the years who are also able to find energy without the use of dowsing rods or a pendulum.
When I first began teaching, a person who owned beehives attended one of my classes. I found this out when I was sharing how dowsers would locate positive vortexes on their property in order to place the hives in these areas. It turns out that the hives produce more honey when they are placed in positive vortexes.
The man who owned the hives asked to see if his hives were placed in any positive vortexes so I asked him to draw me a diagram of his property and indicate where his hives were placed. He owned 18 hives and when I dowsed his property, it turned out that he had intuitively placed all but 3 of his hives in positive energy fields.
Many people have an intuitive sense of the energy in their homes and on their property. We each have an inner guidance system that, when listened to, can help us locate the best energy for us to be.Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how to tap in and use this ability. Learning how to dowse rekindles it and opens us up again to this wonderful intuitive ability.
To begin accessing your inner guide, it is important to quiet the emotional and mental body, as your emotions and thoughts will disrupt your connection to your intuition. If you are interested in learning how to dowse, or perhaps wish to strengthen your dowsing, a good way to begin is to quiet the emotional and mental bodies and create a strong connection to the quantum field. A meditation to help you do this is something called the Tubes of Light meditation and you can access it here: Tubes of Light Meditation