Moving Through the Valleys

Have you ever felt like you were moving through mud? 

That nothing you did or felt or experienced held any joy or lightness? 

Welcome to one of your valleys!

I know there is a lot of emphasis in our society about always living at the top of a mountain where everything is wonderful and life is great.  But that is not the reality of many of the people I know.  Although we may each feel there have been those mountain top experiences in our life, the reality is that we cannot live there all of the time. 

Part of your journey to oneness and enlightenment is to take the gifts, the expansion and the light you connected with during those mountain top moments and integrate them into your life.  How are you going to use and share what you have gained by reaching the top of the mountain?  

It is with an understanding that there are more mountains to climb and summits to be reached as you continue your journey.  And part of that journey is moving through the valleys of your life because before you reach your next summit, you will be walking through another valley.

The valleys of your life are as important as the mountain top experiences.  It is in these moments that you build your inner strength and you begin looking for solutions.  These are the growth periods of your life where you are asked to ‘dig deep’ and access your inner gifts that you were not aware you had.

The important part of walking through the valleys is that you keep moving.  This is not the time to give up and say that ‘nothing in my life has changed’, ‘what’s the use’ or ‘why bother’.  It is knowing that because of this experience you will be searching for and learning new ways of being in the world.  You will be gathering the tools, resources and help and support you need to begin climbing your next mountain.  Think of a valley as a base camp where you are building your strength and stamina to continue your journey to a more expanded way of being in the world.  

Years ago, when I was working at a hotel with an indoor pool and what was known as a ‘holidome’, I was standing on a balcony, overlooking this beautifully lit space filled with trees and a swimming pool.  An older man came and stood beside me for a few minutes and I believe he was there to impart his wisdom, which I have never forgotten. 

His comment to me was … ‘You know those beautiful trees you’re looking at wouldn’t survive a day outside.  They haven’t grown any root system because they’ve been so protected in this dome.  The trees that grow outside are much stronger because they have the wind to help them grow some deep roots.’

It is a wonderful analogy that I have used throughout my life and especially when the wind of my life feels the strongest. I know at these times that my root system is getting stronger.  The winds of life can come but I will not be uprooted.

It is in your valley that the wind might feel the strongest but try to remember that the experience is there to help you grow stronger.  It is also important to remember that you are not meant to stay here. Simply keep moving and prepare yourself for your next mountain top experience.

Annette Rugolo

Annette’s greatest passion is to help people align with their soul purpose. By employing a deep understanding of vibrational healing and universe-messaging, she can easily tune into a client’s energy through soul-to-soul connections. After identifying what is preventing a person from living his or her life’s purpose, she enables the release of physical, emotional, mental or karmic patterns.

Annette holds certificates in cranial sacral therapy, qigong, massage therapy and yoga. By training in many alternative healing methods, she became a Certified Master Instructor for inner diamond meditation and diamond dowsing with Marie Diamond Global. She started teaching transformational seminars in 1999 and began her Inner Diamond teaching career with Marie Diamond in 2002.

After years of preparation and study, she is in the unique position of being the only person, other than Marie Diamond, who is trained and qualified to activate all the dowsing products and essences. Both Annette and Marie continue to work in close partnership by collaborating on international summits and conferences. Annette has also assisted in developing and expanding the Diamond Methods to enlighten more than 500 million people worldwide.

Through her role as a Master Instructor, she has taught basic and master classes to more than 1000 students around the world, where she was mentoring and consulting with people in 20 countries. By holding classes, soul retrievals and environmental healings, Annette continues to help others raise the vibration of their personal energy fields and the energy of their homes.

As a Soul Whisperer and Nature Spirits Guide, her method of guiding souls, who are stuck in this world and looking to return home, is detailed in her book, “Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls.” Annette’s book received a favorable review by Kirkus Indie.

“In this latest work, the author tells of her various adventures in the realm of spirituality and the paranormal, involving such phenomena as ghosts, past lives, and clairvoyance. Overall, a soothing tone of gentleness runs through the entire work, as when she notes that “Helping our spirit brothers and sisters go home is the best choice when given the opportunity. Fans of spiritualist writing will be both intrigued and comforted.”

Buy Annette’s book, “Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls,” on Amazon.


Reaching the Top


Reclaiming Your Missing Pieces