Annette Rugolo, Master Dowser and Energy Healer

Live an Enlightened Life

Awaken your Inner Spirit

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Illuminate your Soul

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Energy Healer Annette Rugolo


No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, I am here to provide you with deeper clarity, understanding, and support for your life’s path.

Through personal sessions, retreats, classes, and products, I will help you realize your full potential and provide tools to assist you in living your soul purpose.

I will help you connect your inner and your outer worlds to create an environment that supports you and your family. I invite you to explore the resources within this site. Each one will offer you support and tools of self-empowerment to help you live a more expansive and enlightened life.

Explore offerings and tools of transformation that will support you and your family on the path toward living a life of healing, balance, and wholeness.

Online Courses

Transform your life with these curated courses designed to enhance your energy and well-being. Explore the options below and click on any course for details.

  • Annette Rugolo Retreats


    Join me for in-person and virtual retreats as I take you to sacred sites around the world. Sites such as Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Egypt, and England!

  • Annette Rugolo Personal Energy Healing Sessions

    Personal Sessions

    Release any limitations that are holding you back from living your soul's purpose.

  • Annette Rugolo using her professional dowsing rods.

    Diamond Dowsing Consultations

    Environmental healing for your home, office, and land.

  • Annette Rugolo teaching a Diamond Dowsing class.


    Learn the technique of dowsing, space clearing, Inner Diamond meditation, and more.

  • Annette Rugolo holding her book Soul Whisperer.

    Books and E-Books

    Much of what I share in my books comes from my own life experiences and I am so happy to share the lessons I’ve learned with you.

  • Annette Rugolo Space Clearing

    Space Clearing

    Heal your Space, Heal the Earth through a Space Clearing session.

Annette Rugolo's energy healing products for purchase

Custom Products for Transformation

Shop these unique products to help heal and uplift your vibration. These products are activated with light frequencies to support you with personal transformation and environmental healing.

Press and Media

Check out articles I’ve written and podcasts I’ve been on. Looking for a podcast guest, public speaker, or writer for your blog? Learn more and book with me.

If you are interested in booking me for your podcast, workshop, or upcoming event, please visit my Press + Media page for more information.

Joyful woman in a floral peach shirt smiling

Together, we will create new pathways, form empowering conscious beliefs, and implement lasting changes to transform your life and nurture your soul.

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Upcoming Classes and Retreats.

I offer a variety of retreats and classes in different formats to support you with your personal transformation and healing. Sign up for one of my upcoming video programs, virtual classes, or in-person training workshops.

Tubes of Light Meditation graphic desciption.

Free Tubes of Light Meditation

Register for my newsletter to stay updated on all the great things I have going on. When you do, you'll receive my FREE Tubes of Light meditation.

Thoughtful Words From Clients

  • "Your presence in my life have helped me remove some major obstacles and helped me to deal with challenges that have presented themselves. You have increased my knowledge and have given me a role model."

    Sonja J., MN

  • "Your commitment and love for humanity, our earth and all beings radiates from the core of your being."

    Sally S., ND

  • "I feel that by taking your classes and spending time with you has helped me grow spiritually and has helped me to find and fulfill my life purpose."

    Cheryl H., MT

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